Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Wellspring's First Post - What is Wellspring?

Welcome to Wellspring International's first blog post!

The Mission

Wellspring International was established in February 2004 by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). A humanitarian arm of the organization, Wellspring International is an extension of the central focus of RZIM, where we live out what we preach and defend. The vision of Wellspring is to identify and fund individuals in need as well as existing organizations that are helping those at risk in their communities, specifically women and children. Through a process of due diligence, our mission is to equip existing local rescue and rehabilitation efforts with financial resources to allow them to continue and further the work they are doing.

The Method

One hundred percent of donations given to RZIM and designated for Wellspring are distributed to projects overseas that we have researched and vetted. Wellspring International functions as the eyes and ears for those wanting to help women and children at risk throughout the world. We research existing efforts through a comprehensive application process, review financial records, and conduct interviews and site visits so that our donors do not have to do so. If we move forward in supporting a particular effort, we enter into a contractual agreement with the organization to outline the details of the project and the specific management and use of funds. We also establish a timeline and review certified audited reports of the project. During the course of the project, we report back to the donors the full and accurate results of their contribution and the overall project outcome.


administrator said...

Looking forward to more posts and seeing some of the projects on this blog! God Bless!

Snackster said...

Dear Jilly & Nimmi:

You guys are awesome! The impressions you have left on the lives in Africa are everlasting. I am so honored to know each of you. I pray God keeps you safe in your travels and journey back home.



Bill said...

Hi Jill and Naomi,
My wife and I met you at Founders' Weekend last fall. We continue to pray for you and the ministry. Thanks for updating the blog. It is a great way to stay up to date with your work. Blessings to you and the rest of the team.
Love in Christ,
Bill and Christina Bradford